Thursday, July 28, 2011

Official Statement (As if someone would dare post something unofficial.)

This is to express my deepest apology to the people I have hurt during our last badminton match. It was really intense that every missed shot was unbearable. Both teams obviously wanted to win but I wanted it more. 

It rained profanity in my head. 

I have been battling with my temper for years. This is something not all my friends are aware of and something many will surely not understand but I am fortunate enough to have few friends who witnessed my transformation and has learned to accept the real and new me. This transformation has made me more aloof, somewhat less affectionate. This made me care less about people. Something that comes handy when people you trust start turning their backs on you.

I am no angel. Something I am definitely not proud of. Like most us, I do curse. Many times. And if this is something most of my coworkers are sensitive about, I apologize. It was not my intention to curse people because they made that game so damn hard to win. It was out of frustration. Total madness towards myself. 

Once again, I apologize. 
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